One Year Anniversary

At some point last month, this blog's one year anniversary crept right by us! We're so grateful for all of the YAs who have contributed to this blog and to all of you who have been reading the blog. 

This blog project began as part of the BMCM's strategic initiative to reach out to young adults in their 20s and 30s who are practicing, or interested in, passage meditation. Our goal is to show what passage meditation looks like in a YA context, and as we've seen over the past year, it can take so many wonderful shapes and forms. We've loved the stories from our contributors, and reading your comments and thoughts. We're grateful for all of you!

As we move forward into summer here in the Bay Area, we wanted to take a moment and check in with all of you, our YA Blog readers!

Whether you're currently a YA, or were once a YA, we'd love to hear from you! Share with us in the comments below:

  • As we begin our second year, what topics would you like to read about in the blog?
  • What topics or posts were memorable to you in our first year?